You have seen, experienced, or heard of this nightmare situation.  Your a small CAH in rural America doing everything in your power to just get by.  In the first quarter of your hospitals fiscal year you bring on new service lines, perform new types of surgeries, or hire clinical employees for the hospital.  You rock along from month to month, all the while not realizing that those changes have had huge ramifications to your Cost Report.  Nothing like finding out that a management decision in month 3 of the fiscal year caused you to drive the hospital off the cliff and you not knowing until your year end financial audit and Cost Report creation.  At that point it’s too late!

If only you had a way of “Seeing” the Cost Report on a monthly basis.  Better yet, what if you had a financial tool that allowed you to run “what-if” scenarios on changes you or the Board want to try that could bring better clinical care to the patient or benefit the hospital.  Well, now you can.  We have created a Cost Reporting module that can take your monthly financial and costing information and provide you with a monthly Optimizable Cost Report and Reporting tool.  Now, you can see how these types of decisions will affect your overall Cost Report.  You will now be able to make management decisions such as adding new services, purchase that needed piece of equipment, etc. – you get the idea. All the while understanding at an instant how those management decisions also affect your cost report.  Now, for the first time, you have the confidence to make those changes.

Not only can we provide you with your own monthly Optimizable Cost Report; with our services, we can also create your Official Year End Cost Report.  All we need is your year end AUDITED Financials.  That’s it.  We can then run those figures through our same algorithm and create your Final Yearend Cost Report. 

Please don’t let this happen to YOU!!!  Click our Contact Us page and let us start YOUR analysis.



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